Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Almost time to bust out the cardigans!

It’s fall! I’m so ready for the cooler weather, I can’t believe it’s almost October. I keep waiting for that really hot day to warm our pool up just enough to go swimming one more time, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. It's still pretty warm here, though...mid 80's. I can't wait for the first crisp, cool day...prime camping weather :).

This past weekend I went to San Antonio for my friend Cathy’s bachelorette party. We had a lot of fun, catching up with old friends and hanging out…it was like being in college again. It was a pretty low-key weekend, and much needed for all of us, I’m sure. Sometimes it’s just fun to get away and reeeelax. We probably all spent more time at the hotel talking and catching up than we did “going out”. It’s crazy that the next time I see Cathy, she’ll be getting married!

Frank went to Rapid City, SD to visit one of our friends since I ditched him for the weekend. He did some mountain biking, drove past Mount Rushmore, and then yesterday morning he went to something called Buffalo Roundup – where cowboys move over 1000 buffalo for vaccinations, it’s basically a big stampede.

This weekend we have NO PLANS. Woohoo! It doesn’t seem like those weekends are coming very often anymore. We will probably stick around here and work on the house. I have an idea for the fireplace that involves painting and stencils...and depending on how motivated I am this weekend, I may try and tackle that thing. I also really want to finish the half bath. Now that it’s cooling off, we really need to start working on the house again, seriously! We thought it would be easier to wait until the fall to start working on it again, but I’m beginning to doubt that with holidays coming up, and football season, and all. There’s always an excuse! We just need to commit!

I’ll be posting about the rest of our trip to Costa Rica & Panama soon. I really want to upload a photo album, but for some reason my computer is not cooperating with me! I’ll work on that tonight…maybe.

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