I realize this post is probably going to make me look like a huge nerd. But whatever...
I was packing up some things yesterday and came across the box with all my old journals in it. It is impossible to not open that box without taking a few of the books out and reading the words written by a younger me. I was a pretty avid “journaler”…is that even word? (Google says no). The oldest journal entries I have are from when I was 8 years old. I had scribbled handwriting, and mostly wrote about birthday parties, my younger siblings, and my friends that lived next door. As I got older my handwriting, thankfully, got better…and I started writing in glittery, multicolored pens about the awfulness of being an adolescent and how everything was so UNFAIR, and life was so dramatic. Even though my biggest problems were my parents not wanting to drive me to the mall so I could hang out with my friends that weekend. Oh the horror...Ha! I also have several unfinished journals about specific moments in time. Such as my Y2K journal. I kept a journal for the month leading up to Y2K, you know, just in case the world ended. I also still have the journal I kept during my sophomore year during Mr. Loincriers computer class in highschool. He had us type in our journals every few days as a typing assignment. At the end of the year we printed it. I still have it, and it’s long, like 30+ pages. My thoughts during the tragedy at the World Trade Center is covered in this journal. As I got older my writing lessened. I would go weeks with writing every day, then skipping a few months here and there. Then college rolled around and I would go several months or a year without writing, and then make a few entries just because I had some time to kill. My last real journal entry was from my senior year of college (4 years ago), right before I moved to Alabama. It’s always so neat to go back and read the thoughts that were going through my head at any specific time. I love that I am able to go back and read them. It’s like a little window into my past. Maybe someday I will get back into it...